Syner Chem is the Philippines’ leading cleaning and maintenance provider for your cooling towers. We provide both chemical and mechanical cleaning of your cooling tower to remove and prevent biological fouling and scaling.
The presence of inorganic compounds in open-recirculating cooling systems, along with ambient temperature and exposure to sunlight become suitable environment for algae, bacteria, and other microorganisms to proliferate and inhabit the cooling tower.
Once they multiply, these organisms become unsightly and cause other problems like pressure reduction and contributing to scaling and corrosion.
The application of biocides, aka the chemicals that kill harmful pathogens in water will eliminate biofouling.
Two types of biocides can be utilized, depending on the system: oxidizing and non-oxidizing.
In open type re-circulating systems such as cooling towers, process return water is cooled by contact of air draft from the fan. Continuous evaporation of the cooling water gradually decreases the amount of water in the system, thus increasing the concentration of dissolved solids. Once the cooling water becomes saturated, the impurities deposit unto surfaces to become scale. This will cause problems in the efficiency of heat transfer, pump pressure, and on the fillers/fins.
Anti-scalant and sludge dispersant chemicals are available to prevent the formation of scale and keep organic matter adequately dispersed for easy blow down. Syner Chem is the choice provider for Cooling Tower Cleaning and Maintenance in the Philippines.